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  • Pitch Perfect: The Maverick's Guide to Pitching

Pitch Perfect: The Maverick's Guide to Pitching

In a sea of competition, standing out is not just beneficial, it’s essential. The maverick spirit in the world of pitching is about breaking the mold and making bold statements that resonate with your audience. Today, we dive into the art of maverick pitching, a daring yet calculated approach to winning over investors and clients.

"The riskiest thing we can do is just maintain the status quo."Bob Iger

Maintaining the status quo is a comfort zone many succumb to, but not the mavericks among us. In pitching, this means going beyond the tried-and-tested frameworks to a realm where creativity meets strategy.

The Unexpected Opening

Think of your pitch opening as the headline of your favorite article. It must be captivating. As David Ogilvy, renowned advertising tycoon, once said, “When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.” In pitching, when you have nailed your opening, you have already captivated your audience's attention.

How do you achieve this? Tell a story, present a startling statistic, or ask a thought-provoking question. Make your audience forget their preconceived notions about what a pitch should be.

The Narrative Twist

Every good story has a twist, and so should your pitch. A maverick doesn’t follow the linear path. They understand the power of surprise and the effectiveness of a well-planned curveball. It's not just about what you're offering, but how you deliver that offer.

Consider Airbnb's Brian Chesky who famously said, "If we tried to think of a good idea, we wouldn’t have been able to think of a good idea. You just have to find the solution for a problem in your own life." Your twist could be how your personal journey led to the solution you’re now presenting; making it relatable and intriguing.

The Product Unveil

We live in an age of spectacle, and your product or idea reveal should be no different. When Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone, he didn’t just show a phone; he unveiled a revolution. Create a spectacle around your product. This doesn’t mean you need to orchestrate a Broadway show, but you should be strategic in highlighting your product’s unique features in an engaging and memorable way.

Think less feature list, more revelation. What's the one killer feature that will have everyone talking? Lead with that and build the narrative around it.

Engage with Challenges

A true maverick doesn't just present; they engage. They don't shy away from potential pitfalls or challenges. Instead, they acknowledge and demonstrate their plan to navigate them. Marc Benioff, the mastermind behind Salesforce, wisely puts it: "Every problem has in it the seeds of its own solution." Displaying foresight and preparation can turn perceived weaknesses into strengths.

The Maverick's Close

Closing a pitch maverick-style means not just asking for what you want, but why it matters. It’s your "call to action" with a twist. Instead of the typical “let’s move forward with this,” try a more daring close. Make them envision the future with your idea in it.

Frame it as missing out on an opportunity rather than a simple transaction. Simon Sinek inspires with, "People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it." Share that ‘why’ with fervor, and your audience is more likely to buy into your vision.

By adopting a maverick strategy for your pitches, you’re not just selling a product or a service; you’re offering a new perspective that can redefine an industry. You’re not simply aiming to convince; you're aiming to inspire change. So before your next pitch, ask yourself, are you ready to be the maverick in the room?